Thursday, January 5, 2012

Articles: Obama: America's Greatest Asset

The future of America depends on electing a new president in 2012, and the best asset for any potential challenger is Barack Obama. His obtuse sense of self-worth will be a shrewd candidate's greatest advantage. Obama believes that he is a spectacular success, almost godlike in his judgment. All his policies are not only correct, but manifestations of the transcendent, prescient leader he knows himself to be. He will run, fast and furious, from his record -- but not because it shows him to be less than the greatest leader ever, except for possibly Johnson, FDR, and Lincoln...and even then, only "possibly." As a people, we simply do not have the intelligence to understand the brilliance of his ways and the nuance of his success or how lucky we are to have him. Perhaps we are too soft and lazy; perhaps we've reached the point where we've made enough money or are clinging too bitterly to our guns and religion, fearful of a man who looks different from us. He is compelled to campaign decisively and divisively, with decided derision against anyone who dares to oppose. He does not want to play the race card, early and often, against all who disagree -- but he will. He does not want to unfairly smear his opponent, his opponent's family, and everyone his opponent ever cared about, or who has ever cared about his opponent -- but he will. He does not want to lie, falsify facts, or make wonders up wholesale, in support of whatever he says -- but he will. He does not want to cheat, using community organizations to manufacture votes, or campaign illegally on the public dime, or turn a blind eye toward outright electoral fraud -- but he will. If only we had loved him enough and passed that bill "now," as he asked. Alas, it's too late. He can't wait. If only we were worthy of his leadership, worthy of him, he wouldn't have to do these things. We had our chance. He graciously gave everyone who disagreed with him the opportunity to do as they were told. It's our fault. He never wanted this, but now he has no choice. It is beyond his control. We made our bed; now we have to lie in it. How else can he triumph, win the future, and transform the nation, in unselfish service, to an ungrateful, ignorant populace? With apologies to Don Mclean and Vincent van Gogh, "I could have told you, Barack, this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you."Read more:

Articles: Obama: America's Greatest Asset

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