Thursday, November 25, 2010

Let's remember the real reason of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a national day in America; however, most Americans have forgotten the real significance of this holiday, particularly immigrants who are ignorant about the real origin of Thanksgiving. 
Our nation is going through very difficult problems, a president who does not believe in America’s exceptionalism and who keeps apologizing to the world of the status of America. Added to that, we are living with the ongoing threat of Muslim terrorists toward America; however, this Obama administration is blaming America for everything that these Muslim terrorists are doing around the world. An out-of-control immigration invasion from Mexico is deepening our economy and as a consequence the dependency on the government is making the American people financially poor.
America is still a powerful nation in the world, but our debt is astronomically immense that it would take many generations, maybe never, to get back to where America was before. As the government grows in power and bureaucracy, prosperity diminishes and poverty multiplies. Prosperity cannot exist when the government takes control of everything. Freedom is an inalienable right, which means cannot be taken away or given away. Our founders understood very well, political freedom is the condition in which the citizen can prosper without being intimidated by the government.
This is what makes America different from the rest of the nations, its Christian origins, from which its concept of political freedom comes. But its origins did not start in 1776, it started in 1621 when a group of Pilgrims came to America in seek of Freedom to worship God according to their own consciences. No any God, but the God of the Hebrew Scriptures under the light of the New Testament.
This is the real foundation of America: Faith in God and Jesus Christ. This faith was passed on to the next generations. George Washington knew that, Abraham Lincoln knew that, many presidents after them knew that. The Pilgrims gathered together and Thanked God for all the blessings. They were not alone, some natives joined them and they also were recipients of the blessings of God.    
But now, we have forgotten the source of our success as a nation: The Creator.  Furthermore, we have forgotten the very reason of Thanksgiving.  This is really very important, America’s prosperity and security depends on it. Let’s go back to our roots as a nation and get on our knees and say a prayer of Thanksgiving: Thank you Lord God Almighty for all your blessings and for this nation, the United States of America.

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