Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mosque in Cordoba (article originally posted in Daniel Pipes website)

Submitted by Caesar M. Arevalo (United States), Jan 1, 2007 at 18:04

There is no doubt that there exists in Europe a clash between civilization and barbarism, between civilization and Islam. Europe is digging its own grave in the name of "multiculturalism." The problem is that the values that made Europe the bastion of cultural and intellectual enlightenment is being replaced by a backward culture which values are contained in a book that teaches intolerance, bigotry, violence, murder, deceit, prejudice, racism, and ignorance.

As Oriana Fallaci said in her book the "Rage and the Pride" on the attitude of Muslim in Europe, "…they will become always more and more. They will demand always more and more, they will vex and boss us always more and more. Till the point of subduing us. Therefore, dealing with them is impossible. Attempting a dialogue, unthinkable. Showing indulgence, suicidal. And he or she who believes the contrary is a fool." Oriana Fallaci is gone, but her words are true more than ever.

Muslim Insanity (Comment originally posted in Daniel Pipes)

Submitted by Caesar M. Arevalo (United States), Aug 2, 2007 at 13:51

The problem is the ideology behind the garments Muslim women must wear at risk of being beaten and killed by faithful Muslims.

This ideology is based in the interpretation Muslims have from the Koran and Islamic traditions. Islamic traditions is purely Arabic traditions and culture. These poor women has not right at all, except the ones impossed by their Muslim partners.

It is a sad fact that when these disgraced women come to America, they are still slaves of cultural and senseless Islamic tradition. These women are not happy at all. Actually, since America is the icon of liberty, any vestige or symbol of women oppression must be outlawed.

Where is the National Organization of Women protesting this inhuman symbol of exploitation? they are busy attacking Bush, the military, working honest American men, mocking Christian values, and promoting immoral homosexual behaviour and the continual killing of innocent babies what they call abortion.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The West should not fear Islam

This is an article I wrote in Daniel Pipes website.

Submitted by Caesar Arevalo (United States), Oct 9, 2006 at 15:24

The inability of our leaders in the West to deal sternly and effectively against the advance of Islamic terrorism in Europe and America has been the reason why we are now facing the ongoing threat of losing our freedoms. It is our leaders' fault, ultimately, and their politics of appeasement that open the doors to Muslims to control the political and religious affair worldwide.
Western leaders are living in denial. Particularly, those who call themselves "progressives" and "liberals" are responsible for the spreading of Islamic terrorism into America and Europe. Our western leaders have renounced the fight for our survival. They have capitulated to Islam. In other words, there is not a single leader in the West to face these Islamic terrorists with not apology and guilty feeling. Even president Bush along with the Pope are silenced by the intolerance and intimidation of Muslims to the point that they have to apologize every time Muslims are "offended." It is really a disgrace what is going in the West.

The concept of freedom of speech, religion, press and conscience is absent in the political philosophy of Islam. When we hear from our leaders saying and repeating over and over that Islam is a religion of "peace," we wonder if they really care for the survival of our civilization. It is a historical and theological fact that Islam is NOT a religion of peace. Islam is a religion that generates fanaticism that incites the murder of innocent of children, women, and men who are do not fit the ideal concept of being a Muslim. Therefore, we need to demand from our leaders and government to stop acting under the dictates of "tolerance," "diversity," and "multiculturalism," and start taking serious steps to the preservation of our dearest constitutional rights of freedom of speech, religion, and press.

Not a single religion is above criticism, and Islam is not the exception. At this point Islam has lost the respect of the civilized world. Islam as religion has been found impotent to elevate the human spirit to values as altruism, forgiveness, love, peace, and tolerance.

Therefore, in the name of those who are still enslaved and captives in this evil ideology, we, in the West, must continue denouncing openly and with not fear the brutality, murder, injustice, and oppression of millions of people under the sword of Islam. We must continue make use of our liberties and freedom to publish, confront, debate, challenge, and exposed the ugliness of Islam, and this includes caricatures, cartoons, movies, songs, and any other mean of communication. Muslims have to understand that they are victims of their own religion and the best way to be free from the bondage of that barbaric ideology is through critical exposition of Islam.

Sendero Luminoso - parte 1 de 2

Como peruano, he visto de cerca las muertes que estos llamados "comunistas" han causado en todo mi pais. Es la ideologia maoista imperialista que tomando ventaja de la pobreza extrema en las provincias peruanas han podido "lavarles el cerebro" en hacerles creer en una mentira utopica que la unica realidad es la muerte.

The Victims of Che Guevara YAF

Let's remember the real reason of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a national day in America; however, most Americans have forgotten the real significance of this holiday, particularly immigrants who are ignorant about the real origin of Thanksgiving. 
Our nation is going through very difficult problems, a president who does not believe in America’s exceptionalism and who keeps apologizing to the world of the status of America. Added to that, we are living with the ongoing threat of Muslim terrorists toward America; however, this Obama administration is blaming America for everything that these Muslim terrorists are doing around the world. An out-of-control immigration invasion from Mexico is deepening our economy and as a consequence the dependency on the government is making the American people financially poor.
America is still a powerful nation in the world, but our debt is astronomically immense that it would take many generations, maybe never, to get back to where America was before. As the government grows in power and bureaucracy, prosperity diminishes and poverty multiplies. Prosperity cannot exist when the government takes control of everything. Freedom is an inalienable right, which means cannot be taken away or given away. Our founders understood very well, political freedom is the condition in which the citizen can prosper without being intimidated by the government.
This is what makes America different from the rest of the nations, its Christian origins, from which its concept of political freedom comes. But its origins did not start in 1776, it started in 1621 when a group of Pilgrims came to America in seek of Freedom to worship God according to their own consciences. No any God, but the God of the Hebrew Scriptures under the light of the New Testament.
This is the real foundation of America: Faith in God and Jesus Christ. This faith was passed on to the next generations. George Washington knew that, Abraham Lincoln knew that, many presidents after them knew that. The Pilgrims gathered together and Thanked God for all the blessings. They were not alone, some natives joined them and they also were recipients of the blessings of God.    
But now, we have forgotten the source of our success as a nation: The Creator.  Furthermore, we have forgotten the very reason of Thanksgiving.  This is really very important, America’s prosperity and security depends on it. Let’s go back to our roots as a nation and get on our knees and say a prayer of Thanksgiving: Thank you Lord God Almighty for all your blessings and for this nation, the United States of America.

Amazing Grace History/"Amazing Grace" By Wintley Phipps

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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TSA: Watch those hands!

State Sen. Michael Doherty, a member of the New Jersey Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee, today announced plans to introduce legislation that would curb the TSA's procedures in his state.
"I am of the belief that our society is founded upon our ability to exercise our individual civil liberties freely, and I stand ready and willing to defend those liberties when they are threatened. It is with great sadness that I have come to recognize that one of our greatest threats have been presented by officials of the TSA that have begun to implement intrusive searches of law abiding Americans who are traveling within our borders," he said
TSA: Watch those hands!

Debbie Schlussel Stands Up for Persecuted Christian Teachers – in America

Christian teachers ared bullied by so-called "progressives" in public schools. Read what Debbie has to say about this problem:

Debbie Schlussel Stands Up for Persecuted Christian Teachers – in America

Monday, November 22, 2010

Why Thanksgiving?

How many people in America know the true story of Thanksgiving? How many people know that the first Thanksgiving was an act of recognition of the blessings that God bestowed on the Pilgrims when they arrived to this land for first time. America today is completely different from the one that the Pilgrims found. America today has forgotten its past, and some Americans are even ashamed of their heritage. I am not a American born citizen. I became US Citizen many years ago, but the truth is that America was founded with a divine purspose. That purpose was to be the a "light upon a hill."

Many of our economical, social and moral problems could be solved if all Americans recognize God as part of their lives and as the foundation of this great nation.

The pilgrims knew that without God, there could not be a just and prosperous nation. Our social ailments are the product that Americans have put God in the past and embraced new "idols."

This nation was born on faith, and faith is the fuel to make this nation exist and prosper. Let's stop for a moment and think about America, its first Thanksgiving and what it means for us today.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Illegal immigration: Slapped in the face

In March 31, 2006  I wrote a letter expressing my opposition to the motives behind the March for illegal Immigration, that letter was originally published in World Net Daily.

"As an immigrant who came to this beautiful and blessed country legally, I am deeply offended and upset for what I consider a slap in my face by the opportunistic Democrat politicians and the gutless Republican leaders in Washington. They have betrayed all of those who played by the rules to become U.S. citizens.
It is really a disgrace that both Democrats and Republicans are allowing that these thugs and law-breakers disrupt our cities, mocking our own institutions, burning American flags, waving Mexican flags, and challenge our own law enforcement freely and with no restrictions. White Americans do not understand that if they do not defend their native country with conviction and resolution, they are over and the total collapse of America is a matter of time.

White Americans are too naive to understand – some even are so afraid to admit the truth – that we Hispanics are familiar with all of these massive manifestations. In Latin countries, we are taught – from high schools all the way to the university – to hate America. We are taught that the root of our social, political, and economical chaos is the oppressive imperialism of America toward poor countries. That our governments are just puppets of Yankee imperialism, and that the solution is the extermination of the capitalist system embodied in the evil American Empire.
The Mexican left in America, represented in organizations like MECHA, MALDEF, CHIRLA, LA RAZA, and others, know this reality and they use it to mold the public opinion, and to inflame the emotions of frustrated and resentful illegal Mexicans and Central Americans against this country. These racist organizations do not even care about the Hispanics. They do not love America. They are socialists who are dreaming of making of America another Cuba or Venezuela.
They even insult and reject Hispanics who are against illegal immigrants. They exploit the ignorance of millions of illegal Mexicans by the use of communist propaganda. They are not civil-rights organizations – they are political organizations whose agenda is the implementation of socialist programs in All-American institutions.
One of its tools is the Hispanic media or Mexican media. They represent only the Mexican population. They do not speak for Argentines, Peruvians and the rest of South American immigrants. Their programs are focusing in the preservation of the Mexican tradition and against of any assimilation of Mexicans to the American way of life.
They are shaping the mind and attitude of Mexicans by telling them they are oppressed and victims of the white American society. The Mexican media in the USA support Hispanic politicians who are Democrats who believe that illegal immigration is acceptable. These Hispanic politicians, many of them who barely can speak Spanish very well, are a fake and an embarrassment. They are just a bunch of opportunistic politicians who hold values opposed to the vast majority of Hispanics in the USA.
All of these organizations and politicians do not speak for me. I love America, wave my American flag, pray for America, and oppose any amnesty to illegal immigrants who came to this country violating our immigration laws. I support the building of a wall in the border of Mexico and the United States. I believe that those who wave the Mexican flag should go back to Mexico and live in that corrupted country.
I believe that those protesters – who were a combination of anti-American groups and resentful illegal Mexicans – should go to Mexico and protest before Vicente Fox and demand from him and his government jobs and social justice. Finally, I believe that all illegal Mexicans in this country should unite, march and chant: "Thank you America, Thank you America, I love you America, I love you America."
Caesar M. Arevalo

The Mayflower Compact

"In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord, King James, by the Grace of God, of England, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, e&. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia; do by these presents, solemnly and mutually in the Presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid; And by Virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the General good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, King James of England, France and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Domini, 1620."

There followed the signatures of 41 of the 102 passengers, 37 of whom were Separatists fleeing religious persecution in Europe. This compact established the first basis in the new world for written laws. Half of the colony failed to survive the first winter, but the remainder lived on and prospered.

The First Thanksgiving.

Americans need to know their own history. We all know that Thanksgiving is coming, but for many people it means “turkey day.” But it is more than that. The true origin of Thanksgiving came through the Pilgrims from England They used to celebrate it even before they came to America. They held the observance in obedience to scripture in Psalm 107

It was William Bradford, who was the second governor of Plymouth, who decided that the survivors gather together and thanks the Lord for all his blessings in the new land. According to the first records by Wilson, next Plymouth’s governor, the hunters brought wild turkeys, venison, lobster, Indian corn, fish, peas, beans, onions, cheese, biscuits, and regional beverages. The event lasted three days and features sports activities The Massaoits joined them in the celebration.