Sunday, January 2, 2011

Why the LEFT hates America?

Daniel Flynn's book offers answers to a question that has long perplexed many of us: Why does the Left hate America?  Flynn says that today's anti-Americanism began when the Industrial Age of the late 19th century created a wealthy, leisured class of intellectuals who became enamored of the Marxism brought into the country by immigrants from Europe. These intellectuals believed that their unearned wealth and educational superiority proved they were truly fine fellows, of a rare excellence seldom found on the earth, and fully equiped to create a Marxian Utopia in America. 

Despite their declared high IQs the Left is not terribly bright --  its policies always destroy the very wealth they want to control (see: the U.S.S.R., Communist China, North Korea, Cuba, Zimbabwe, etc). And even the most dimwitted among us Americans chafe at the idea of self-styled "superior" beings intruding into everything we choose to do or plan, hemming us about with meaningless, petty rules and laws, demanding (at last count nationally) close to half what we earn via tax piled upon tax, and driving our jobs away by endless regulations

In America, the Left started its assault on us with soapboxes and pamphlets, but finding difficulty articulating its message, resorted to bombs and bullets.  In 1886,  they murdered policemen and  investors on Wall Street, and made attempts on the lives of governors, U.S.Senators and various business leaders. Their violence was not successful then nor later in the 1960s when the "New Left" strove to overthrow the U.S. government with killings and  bombings.  As the anti-American Left developed, "more mainstream methods of persuasion supplanted the guns-and-bombs approach."